Nettle for Kidney and Urinary Support
Nettle is high in potassium, thus, triggering the kidneys to produce urine and FLUSH things/waste out of the body (“things” such as uric acid, metabolites, etc.). This action strengthens the urinary tract. The diuretic effects (contributed from the potassium) can help against U.T.I’s by increasing the amount of urine and also it’s waste.
Nettle tea or juice can help women before their menses due to its diuretic and astringent qualities. It specifically helps reduce major premenstrual water retention, aiding in flow.
Perhaps, Nettle is for Circulation. It circulates blood, lymph, water, hormones, and neurons, meaning our bodies are flowing. And if our bodies flow, chi and energy does as well :)
Nettle as a Decongestant (RESPIRATORY & ALLERGY RELIEF)
Have you heard about taking nettle for allergies? Well, nettle helps open the nasal passage way, which dries mucus or helps reduce the amount of mucus in the body. Breathe deep.
Nettle’s high amounts of IRON help carry oxygen to RBC’s and throughout the body. Infuse its leaves and roots into a honey for bronchial support and sinus headaches. For an allergy-head-cold, Michael Moore suggests combining nettle with Eyebright, Goldenseal, Yerba Mansa and/or Yerba Santa.
Nettle Juice as an Anti-Inflammatory Astringent
Nettle has TANNINS. Tannins are known for their astringency, a.k.a the ability to dry thing out. The astringent tendencies of nettle shrinks, tightens and reduces inflammation for redness and irritation of the mucus membranes. And externally, the cool juice of nettle helps reduce swelling and quickens the healing process of sprains, cuts, wounds and swollen tissues.
Nettle for Women and Men
Did I mention Nettle is high in Iron? It also is high in Vitamin K. So it helps stabilize the reproductive hormones and it build nutrient-rich blood. According to Susan Weed, Nettle helps women with night sweats, exhaustion, anemia, chronic profuse menstrual flow, menstrual cramps, and those who have lost a significant amount of blood through childbirth, surgery or an accident.
Pregnant mamas take note: Nettle has a significant amount of calcium. It will ensure nutrient-rich breast milk.
The Vitamins and Minerals will help support men’s health as well. Yet more specifically, the diuretic effects help prostate health. And its anti-inflammatory traits will help reduce BPH.
Nettle for Beautiful Skin & Hair
Nettle vinegar, taken internally or used externally as a hair rinse helps balance over-oily skins and scalps. Nettle’s potassium acts as a mild laxative (helping clean out the digestive system and strengthening the intestines), thus flushing out waste from the body and helping clear our complexions. Nettle ultimately helps new growth and strengthens our hair, nails and skin.
WHEW. So does anyone want to go nettling?