
Common Names: Velvet Dock, White Mullein, Torches, Candlewick plant, Blanket herb, Flannel plant, Our Lady’s Flannel, Indian Tobacco

Botanical Name: Verbascum thapsus

Plant Family: Scrophulariaceae

Parts Used: Leaves, Flower, Root

Actions: Expectorant, demulcent, antispasmodic, antitussive, astringent, anodyne, vulnery (Systems affected: Lungs and Stomach)

Habitat: Disturbed areas with full to partial sunlight. I’ve found Mullein anywhere from a waste-area near train tracks to a beautiful wild setting between juniper trees and ponderosa pines.

Collection: Flowers and buds can be collected singly just as they begin to bloom throughout summer. The leaves are best collected individually from the stalk of second-year plants (like Burdock, mullein is a “biennial” meaning it flowers its second year then dies back).

If you look closely, you can see the stellate (star-like) hairs that cover the leaves of Mullein. 

If you look closely, you can see the stellate (star-like) hairs that cover the leaves of Mullein. 


Mullein Medicine:

            There have been countless times when I am outdoors walking with a group and I ask people “what’s this plant?” (pointing to mullein). At least one person in the group will yell out “Nature’s toilet paper!” Hmm, I wonder… Why would anyone use such a useful plant to wipe with? In fact, some folks I know would be shocked to hear that mullein is being disrespected as such. Mullein is powerful medicine. This plant also has various ethnobotanical uses, including fire-making and keeping. So, perhaps, one might reconsider nature’s toilet paper…


Lung & Bronchial Congestion

Bronchial congestion can include stagnant phlegm, swollen lymph nodes, dryness or constriction. Mullein’s leaves and roots have expectorant qualities that help relieve this discomfort by moving mucous and phlegm from the throat and lungs. It starts by loosening up the stagnant mucous and then assisting the body’s ability to cough (removing the phlegm and mucous).

Oddly enough, smoked mullein leaf helps soothe the throat and productive coughing. Inhaling the smoke of mullein also calms the respiratory system and is used as an antispasmodic. Make sure to dry mullein leaves completely and then break down/rub into little pieces (fluffy mess) before smoking.


Flowers for Earaches

Mullein flower can help ease earaches, yet most importantly heal bacterial infections within the ear. The flowers can be infused in alcohol (to form a tincture) or an oil and then dropped into the ear for relief. Kiva Rose recommends using a tincture form because the alcohol base is also drying and helps speed up recovery. Yet, ear oils can be more soothing and relieve pain and inflammation. Lesley Tierra gives a good description of how to administer ear drops (especially for young kids) in her book, “A Kids Herb Book; For Children Of All Ages”:

-Have the person lie on his/her side with the affected ear up.

-Drip 2-5 drops into the affected ear.

-Place a small cotton into the ear to prevent the oil from spilling out.

-Have the person continue lying on his/her side for 5-10 minutes more. Keep the cotton ball in place.

-Repeat this process 5-6 times throughout the day until the symptoms are gone.

-A hot water bottle on the ear often speeds the healing process. In fact, earaches can often be relieved by heat alone if you immediately place a hot water bottle against the affected ear.

NOTE: Do not use if the eardrum is ruptured.

Lymphatic Congestion

A tincture or tea of mullein leaf and/or flower can be used to help lymphatic circulation. As stated above mullein is an expectorant and demulcent, which loosens up phlegm or congestion. In this case, it moves lymphatic stagnation. Making a poultice with the leaves and applying it to any swollen lymph nodes will also increase lymph flow.



The lymph vessels (lymphatics) run parallel to our blood vessels and help move lymph (“interstitial fluid”; fluid that leaks into your tissues) to our lymph nodes and back to our circulatory system. The lymphatic system helps filter our blood vessels, moves toxic or foreign materials from our tissues, and teams up with immune cells to prevent infection and disease. The lymphatic system aids in internal movement and protects our body from bad pathogens.

Other uses for Mullein:

-Stalks can be dipped in fat and used as torched or huge candles.

-Mullein stalks can also make a great drill for hand-drill and making a fire…

 OR the stalks can be used for sword fights (pick your weapon of choice)

-Ok, if you really want some soft, large leaves for wiping, mullein leaves can be used for toilet paper (but be careful, those stellate hairs can cause irritation or rashes on some folks)

-Fairy pillows, anyone?




Mullein Remedies:

Breathe-Easy Tea:

1 part Mullein leaves and/or root

1 part Elder flower

1 part Wild Cherry Bark

½ part Licorice Root

½ part Marshmallow leaf

Steep 3 tsp. of tea per 1 cup of water for 20-25 minutes. Drink as often as needed until cough subsides. This will also help loosen mucus and phlegm.


Sinus-Chest Oi:

½ cup Mullein infused oil

¼ tsp. Eucalyptus essential oil

1/8 tsp. Thyme and Tea Tree essential oil

Shake before using. Apply underneath nose, on throat, chest and back.



Mullein Monograph by Ryan Drum

Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West by Michael Moore

Medicinal Herbs; A Beginner's Guide by Rosemary Gladstar

A Kid's Herb Book; for children of all ages by Lesley Tierra

The Way of Herbs by Michael Tierra

The Book of Herbal Wisdom, The Earthwise Herbal: Old World by Mathew Wood

Plant Healer Magazine by Kiva Rose




Common Names: Leopard’s Bane, Heartleaf Arnica, Broadleaf Arnica, Mountain Arnica

Botanical Name: Arnica cordifolia, A. latifolia, etc.

Plant Family: Asteraceae, Composite Family

Parts Used: Flowers

Actions: Anti-Inflammatory, Nervine, Vulnery

Habitat: Broadleaf and Heartleaf Arnica can be found in WA, OR, ID, MT, AL, NV and BC. Both species are found in higher elevation forests and subalpine forests. I find a great yield on the eastern side of the Cascade Mountains in Washington. I couldn’t express habitat and collection any better than the wonderful Michael Moore:

“If you get up in the high mountains in early or midsummer, find small yellow sunflowers with opposite leaves, growing in colonies, that are downy, sticky, or somewhat aromatic when crushed, you got yourself some Arnica.” –Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West

Collection: Arnica flowers should be harvested right when they begin to bloom. This tends to be mid-June to early-July in the PNW. Yet, year 2016, arnica flowers were blooming at the beginning of May. With that said, bloom time can be anywhere between May-July and I would be on the look-out sooner rather than later.

One great trick of harvesting can be applied for arnica. That is: when the flowers are past its prime at a low elevation, go to a higher elevation or a Northern facing slope and you may be right on cue with collection time.

 In my experience, arnica flowers are best infused on site of harvest. If you are changing elevation or the flowers begin to dry, they rapidly turn into seeded puff balls that are a sneezy irritation.


Arnica Medicine:

Whenever I think of Arnica, I think of my Omi (my grandmother) reflecting on her time as a young girl in Lithuania. She always said how her mother would have her go out to the fields and collect Arnica. The flower was used for bruising, sprains and strains. Some plants’ remedies don’t seem to change…



Arnica helps stimulate and dilate blood vessels. It helps blood transportation and circulation into injured, bruised or inflamed tissues. This helps speed up the healing process by removing waste and congestion that occurs with bruising/spraining/straining/bumping. Ultimately, moving

Arnica activates the macrophages in the blood vessels. Macrophages are big white blood cells that perform the cleaning and digestion in injured tissues. The stimulation of the macrophages can have a negative effect for rheumatoid arthritis because it might increase inflammation and dilation of blood vessels that are already over-exaggerated. This is not always the case, but if you notice a skin reaction, pain or increased inflammation, stop use.


Use Arnica externally. Do not use on broken skin. The whole plant is toxic if ingested and should not be taken internally unless in homeopathic remedy. The homeopathic arnica helps with trauma from an injury.

**I have used 2 drops (put onto my hand before mixing with water to make sure I had exactly two drops) of Arnica tincture internally for severe pain and to help aid muscle/tissue recovery. Since I do not have any blood or heart conditions, this tincture was safe and effective in helping improve my body from the inside out after a traumatic injury...**


Photos by Rachael Witt

Photos by Rachael Witt

Arnica Remedies:

Oil, Salve, Cream, Liniment (you can even use rubbing alcohol to extract)


Honor thy Elder.

Common Names: Elderberry, Elderflower, Blue Elder, Black Elder

Botanical Name: Sambucus racemose, S. nigra, S. cerulea, S. canadensis

Plant Family: Caprifoliaceae

Parts Used: Flowers, Berries

Actions: Flowers- Antiviral, diaphoretic, alterative, nervine, antioxidant

Berries- Antiviral, immunomodulating, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory

(Systems affected: Lungs, Liver)

Habitat:  Blue elderberries are commonly found growing in the dry region of Washington, east of the Cascades. These shrubs can also be found throughout the U.S.

Collection:  The elder shrub drips with their heavy load of berries in the fall or shine with their bright, white flower clusters in the early summer. All species of elder with blue and black berries can be used interchangeably. All species of elderberry contain cyanide in their seeds, leaves, and bark. Red elderberries have high amounts of cyanide, so they are avoided altogether in medicinal preparations, yet their flowers are fair game. Some completely ward off the Red Elder, yet others collect their flowers from the Red Elder and the berries from the Blue Elder… be careful when processing... you do not want any of the stems in our herbal remedies.



Elder Medicine:


The Norwegians are onto something… A dear friend bought me a gift from Ikea…nothing other than an Elderflower juice box! By drinking elderflower tea or perhaps concentrate, it will help your overall health. Elderflower has many antioxidants that inc…

The Norwegians are onto something… A dear friend bought me a gift from Ikea…nothing other than an Elderflower juice box! By drinking elderflower tea or perhaps concentrate, it will help your overall health. Elderflower has many antioxidants that increase eye health, respiratory health and cardiovascular health.


It is commonly held that red elderberries are poisonous, however, native people of the PNW and other parts of North America traditionally used Red Elderflowers as food. Currently, I have made fritters with the Red Elderflowers and also infused honeys with them. As previously mentioned, I prefer harvesting the Red Elder flowers so I can collect the Blue Elderberries when ripe.


Clearing of the Skin

Many folks turn to elderflower as a diaphoretic during a fever. However, the sweat- inducing properties of elderflowers helps move stagnancy and detoxifies the skin. A fomentation (soaking a cloth in a strong herbal infused tea and applying it, at high heat, to the skin) and elderflower tea wash can help burns, rashes, minor skin ailments and reduce rosacea.


Flu & Fever

Elderflowers are diaphoretic. They help induce sweating to excel a fever. Combine Elder flower with peppermint, pennyroyal, catnip or yarrow to help dispel excess heat from the body. This can in return quicken the duration of the sickness.






Immunomodulating & Antiviral

Elderberry is highly distinguished today as one of the most powerful herbs for preventing and treating influenza and colds. Combined with Echinacea, these herbs kill any virus or bacterial infection that takes out our immune system. Specifically, elderberry helps respiratory infections and expedites the process of treating influenza. Many studies have been done throughout Europe and Israel that affirm the benefits of elderberries against cold and influenza symptoms. In most of the studies, elderberries helped relieve symptoms in a shorter duration than over-the-counter medication.

Elderberry contains a protein called “hemagglutinin,” which in short, inhibits a virus’ ability to penetrate a cell wall and replicate. Since the virus is being prevented from spreading, patients are able to recover in a shorter amount of time (within 24 hours- 3 days for some). This protein also attributes to elderberry’s anti-viral qualities.



The berries also contain a significant number of antioxidants and flavonoids. Both of which reduce inflammation throughout the body. Elderberries are known to help decrease arthritic pain, sooth coughs and sore throats and also strengthen one’s vision. Better yet, they taste delicious (especially combined with honey!).


Enjoy Elderberries and Elderflowers as a syrup, honey, shrub/oxymel, vinegar or concentrate!

Photos by Rachael Witt

Photos by Rachael Witt


Elderberry Syrup:

1 part Fresh Elderberries

1-part Honey

Optional- ginger, reishi mushroom, Echinacea

Take elderberries off of stems. Gently heat fresh elderberries on the stove (keep on simmer and do not let go to boil). Mash them to help extract the juice. Once berries are sufficiently mashed, strain off seeds. Add equal amount of honey to juice.Store in refrigerator.

Take frequently by the tablespoon full at the onset of illness and continue until you feel better. Or use 1⁄2 – 1 tsp. every 2-3 hrs. to fight colds, flu, lung or sinus congestion.


Elderflower Water:

5 cups elderflowers

1 1/4 cups boiling water

Pick the blossoms when fully open, but still fresh. Snip away all the little stalks. Measure the flowers into a bowl, pour on the boiling water, cover and leave to infuse for two or three hours. Strain into a jug and pour into small bottles.

Use water externally as a skin wash or internally and drink as a tea.


Elderberry Honey Wine