Sir Herb Robert

Common Name: Stinky Bob, Bloodwort

Botanical NameGeranium Robertianum
Plant FamilyGeraniaceae, the Geranium Family
Parts used:  Spring Leaves, stems and flowers

Herb Robert is a supreme, therapeutic herb and also an oxygenator extraordinaire! Herb Robert is a source of germanium, which makes oxygen available to cells (reducing cancer) and also serves as an enhancer of the immune system.

Herb Robert as Medicine

·      Herb Robert is a wonderful source of vitamins A, B, and C. It also contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and germanium.

·      It acts as an astringent, antibiotic, adaptogen, antiviral, styptic, tonic, diuretic, digestive, sedative, and an antioxidant. And has volatile oil, bitters, tannin and gereiine constituents.

·      Herb Robert is an enigmatic herb with a miraculous action in tumor diseases, managing to halt or even cure some cancers. It’s helpful in the treatment of certain forms of cancer and also in boosting the immune system.

·      In folk herbalism, Herb Robert was used as a remedy for toothache and nosebleeds and as a vulnerary (used for or useful in healing wounds.)

·      Freshly picked leaves have an odor resembling burning tires when crushed, and if they are rubbed on the body the smell is said to repel mosquitoes. Or if the leaves are chewed, it helps treat a sore mouth and throat.

·      The active ingredients are tannins, a bitter compound called geraniin, and essential oils. It was carried to attract good luck, and due to its analogical association with storks, to enhance fertility.

·      Internally, it is a digestive aid for stomach problems, as well as a blood cleanser and body detoxifier; largely for diarrhea.

·      Herb Robert is known to help improve liver and gallbladder function, reduce swelling of the kidney, bladder, and gallbladder, while preventing formation of stones in the kidney, bladder, or gallbladder.

Identification & Harvesting

·      Her Robert is a fairly low growing annual (14") with stems that branch in many directions and often turn red.

·      Green leaves form opposite, at knotted joints in the stem; leaves are palmate in shape, deeply cut, and often tinged with colors of pink, red or bronze.

·      Stems and leaves are covered with very fine hairs. 

·      Very dainty, bright-pink, 'joy giving' flowers have five, rounded petals. Each petal has 3 paler streaks, starting at the centre and phasing out along the petal. Flowers develop, in groups of 2 or 4, at leaf axils. 

·      Following the flowers, the base of the blossom quickly fills out and develops into the oval seed receptacle, when mature, looks like a bird's beak, thus the common names: "storkbill" and "cranesbill". 

·      Herb Robert is best in spring and commonly the first herb ready to be harvested after a long winter. To harvest Herb Robert I bring my scissors and simply snip the whole plant a couple inches from the soil.


So many people are surprised to hear that this plant they've been repetitively weeding out of their gardens can actually be beneficial... Like many weeds, they are our green allies. 

If you're not quite sure what to do with this plant, I like to make a vinegar infusion. It's a sweet, sour taste and I think it gives some "OOOMPH" to your vinegar or it also combines well with other herbal vinegar infusions... a Geranium Vinegar Blend, anyone?